willy on chair

For almost 3 years, our precious senior boy Willy has been living with cancer. With regular chemotherapy and medication to help his appetite, there were times that he was doing so well that we began to imagine (and hope against all odds) that by some miracle he no longer had cancer. Each time we thought his time was close, he would surprise us all.

His previously quiet and timid nature began to change as he became unwell. You would never know on meeting him, that this affectionate and attention loving cat was ever anything different. It has been heart-warming to see him become so content with human company. Many of our visitors have been greeted with Willy in our reception and all of our volunteers know how much he loves a lap to lay on and lots of pats.

Willy & Melina

Willy has had a number of dietary changes to suit his taste and assist with weight gain. His cat mates Socks and Melina were more than happy to share their food in return for his company. Sometimes, the sharing also extended to sharing a cosy bed.

We’ve had almost 3 years to prepare for his goodbye ….but it didn’t make it any easier.

The time came that his body could no longer fight this horrible disease. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye but we couldn’t have asked for any more from this beautiful boy. We will miss you sitting on our paperwork and purring on our laps. Forever in our hearts, Willy will be missed by so many.

BAWCS ‘caring with compassion’

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