Meet Diamond

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Diamond's Story

In October 2014 Diamond was impounded after her elderly owner had been hospitalised and no longer able to care for her. Months later, Diamond was faced with an unknown future when she was listed for auction at a livestock pound.

When BAWCS became aware of her, we knew we attended the auction and were thrilled our Sanctuary was able to secure Diamond’s safety and not long after she arrived into our care.

Whilst Diamond has now been with BAWCS for a quite a few years, she is still a cautious girl but often shows her fun personality when she interacts with our other bovines and waits patiently for her feed.

Diamond is available to sponsor for just $50 a year, as a one off or ongoing.

NOTE: Get updates on Diamond by following us on FACEBOOK

Want to be Diamond's farm friend?

Become a Farm Friend for a year for $50.00